New drivers of media globalization, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube

We are living in the new era of information, some experts call it Web 2.0, where Internet is not only for searching and getting information, but also now everyone can create, modify or upload whatever they want or like.
Books and newspapers are now past century's technology. In China, the largest of all national media markets, new media appear to be supplanting traditional media at a rapid rate. According to a recent report, the number of people in seven large Chinese cities who watch TV or read newspapers decreased by roughly 10 percent, while the number accessing the Internet rose by 17 percent. Nowadays people from all ages, spent a big amount of time surfing on the net. Everyday is more easy to get online and connect with people from all around the world. Social networks like MySpace or Facebook, have millions of visitors daily. Fashion, music, thoughts or any social topic, are converging as we speak.

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